» » » Grandmaster Repertoire 8 - The Grunfeld Defence Volume One by Boris Avrukh - Hardback
Grandmaster Repertoire 8 - The Grunfeld Defence Volume One by Boris Avrukh - Hardback

Grandmaster Repertoire 8 - The Grunfeld Defence Volume One by Boris Avrukh - Hardback

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Number: 9781906552763


EAN: 9781906552763

Price: 31.00 Euro

Quantity: pcs.
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Grandmaster Repertoire is a series of high quality chess books based on the main lines, written by strong grandmasters. The aim is to provide the reader with a complete repertoire at a level good enough for elite tournaments, and certainly also for the club championship.

The Grünfeld Defence offers a complete repertoire for Black against 1.d4. Avrukh's two previous Grandmaster Repertoire books for White received universal rave reviews and have been hugely influential on chess players all over the world, including at the very highest level.

Volume One covers the closed lines such as Fianchetto, Russian variation with 4.Nf3 and 5.Qb3.

Boris Avrukh is a chess grandmaster from Israel. He is an Olympiad gold medalist, former World Junior Champion and analysis partner of World Championship finalists.

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