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Playing the Trompowsky (hardcover) by Richard Pert

Playing the Trompowsky (hardcover) by Richard Pert

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781907982767
  • Availability: Available
If like most chess players you have a limited amount of time that you can spend studying, but you still want to push for an advantage with White, then the Trompowsky is a great choice. The Trompowsky, 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5, has not been as deeply investigated…
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Positional Decision Making in Chess (hardcover) by Boris Gelfand

Positional Decision Making in Chess (hardcover) by Boris Gelfand

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781784830069
  • Availability: Available
Positional Decision Making in Chess offers a rare look into the mind of a top grandmaster. In his efforts to explain his way of thinking, Boris Gelfandfocuses on such topics as the squeeze, space advantage, the transformation of pawn structures and the…
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Pump Up Your Rating (hardcover) by Axel Smith

Pump Up Your Rating (hardcover) by Axel Smith

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781907982743
  • Availability: Available
Any man in the street knows how to increase his physical strength, but among most chess players confusion reigns when it comes to improving their playing strength. Axel Smith's training methods have guided his friends, teammates and pupils to grandmaster…
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Soviet Chess Strategy by Alexey Suetin (hardcover)

Soviet Chess Strategy by Alexey Suetin (hardcover)

29.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781906552213
  • Availability: Available
Hardcover edition of SOVIET CHESS STRATEGY The Soviet Union is history, but its influence on chess is still strong in the 21st century, as a glance at the rating list proves. The late Alexey Suetin was perfectly qualified to reveal the strategic secrets…
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Soviet Middlegame Technique (hardcover) by Peter Romanovsky

Soviet Middlegame Technique (hardcover) by Peter Romanovsky

29.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781907982491
  • Availability: Availability - 3 days
Many of the classics of Soviet chess literature have struggled to see the light of day, but none more so than Soviet Middlegame Technique by Peter Romanovsky. The original version of this famous guide to the middlegame was published in 1929 when Romanovsky…
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Soviet Outcast by Grigory Levenfish (miękka okładka)

Soviet Outcast by Grigory Levenfish (miękka okładka)

29.00 Euro
Język angielski, diagramy szachowe.Soviet Outcast - The Life and Games of Grigory LevenfishGrigory Levenfish was twice Soviet Champion and drew a match with the great Botvinnik, yet despite his skills, he was never a favoured son of the Soviet Union.…
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The Anand Files by Michiel Abeln (twarda okładka)

The Anand Files by Michiel Abeln (twarda okładka)

38.00 Euro
Wersja językowa książki - angielska.The Anand Files offers a detailed insight into the strategies Viswanathan Anand used to win three World Championship matches in a row. It takes the reader behind the scenes to show the inner workings of Team Anand,…
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The Cutting Edge 2 - Sicilian Najdorf 6.Be3 by Milos Pavlovic (hardcover)

The Cutting Edge 2 - Sicilian Najdorf 6.Be3 by Milos Pavlovic (hardcover)

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781906552930
  • Availability: Available
This book is part of a new series from Quality Chess examining the cutting edge of opening theory. The idea is to identify the most important theoretical battlegrounds and then analyse as deeply as possible in search of improvements. Thus the reader…
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The Dragon Volume One (hardcover) by Gawain Jones

The Dragon Volume One (hardcover) by Gawain Jones

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781784830083
  • Availability: Available
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players. But can this sharp and provocative system still be played in the modern era? GM Gawain Jones says “Yes!” In this two-volume work, the world’s…
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The Dragon Volume Two (hardcover) by Gawain Jones

The Dragon Volume Two (hardcover) by Gawain Jones

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781784830106
  • Availability: Available
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players. But can this sharp and provocative system still be played in the modern era? GM Gawain Jones says “Yes!” In this two-volume work, the world’s…
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The Grandmaster Battle Manual by Vassilios Kotronias (Hardcover)

The Grandmaster Battle Manual by Vassilios Kotronias (Hardcover)

33.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781906552794
  • Availability: Available
A hardcover edition of this book is also available The Grandmaster Battle Manual explains how to be a more competitive chess player. Chess grandmaster Vassilios Kotronias has been a professional player for two decades and now he explains the secrets…
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The King's Gambit (hardcover) by John Shaw

The King's Gambit (hardcover) by John Shaw

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781906552749
  • Availability: Available
There was a golden era when The King's Gambit was the favourite opening of every attacking player. In the glory days of Paul Morphy it was considered almost cowardly to play anything else. Legends such as Spassky and Bronstein kept the flame burning…
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The Nemesis - Geller's Greatest Games by Efim Geller (twarda okładka)

The Nemesis - Geller's Greatest Games by Efim Geller (twarda okładka)

35.00 Euro
Wersja językowa książki - angielska.Efim Geller (1925-1998) was one of the giants of Soviet chess. Over his lifetime he beat the World Champions more often than he lost, and had healthy plus scores over Bobby Fischer and Mikhail Botvinnik among others.…
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The Quality Chess Puzzle Book - by John Shaw (hardcover)

The Quality Chess Puzzle Book - by John Shaw (hardcover)

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781906552275
  • Availability: Available
When John Shaw decided to write a puzzle book he had many ideas in mind: The puzzles should be challenging but not so difficult that a chessboard is needed they can be solved on the train, plane or wherever you happen to be when you have a few…
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The Queen's Indian Defence by Michael Roiz (twarda okładka)

The Queen's Indian Defence by Michael Roiz (twarda okładka)

35.00 Euro
Okładka miękka.Język angielski, diagramy szachowe.The Queen’s Indian Defence is one of the most reliable defences against 1.d4, and features in the repertoires of many of the world’s top players. Black develops with a solid pawn structure and uses his…
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The Sicilian Taimanov by Antonios Pavlidis (twarda okładka)

The Sicilian Taimanov by Antonios Pavlidis (twarda okładka)

35.00 Euro
Wersja językowa książki - angielska.The Sicilian Taimanov arises after the opening moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6, and is an ideal weapon for Black in the modern era. It is theoretically sound, and strikes a perfect balance between solidity…
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Under the Surface by Jan Markos (twarda okładka)

Under the Surface by Jan Markos (twarda okładka)

31.00 Euro
Książka wydana w języku angielskim. Twarda okładka. The most significant difference between a grandmaster and a club player is not simply that the grandmaster calculates more accurately, but rather that he sees more deeply. This book invites you beneath…
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Alma by Judit Berg (twarda okładka)

Alma by Judit Berg (twarda okładka)

13.00 Euro
Wersja językowa książki - angielska.On a fateful summer afternoon Alma, Drifter, Felix and Bella are mysteriously transported to an alien world. Can they find their way back home? To succeed, they will need to make clever decisions – and perhaps even…
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Chess Behind Bars by Carl Portman (twarda okładka)

Chess Behind Bars by Carl Portman (twarda okładka)

26.00 Euro
Wersja językowa książki - angielska.Okładka - twarda.At a time when prisons are in the news due to increasing violence, drug taking and low morale, it has never been more important to focus on education and rehabilitation.Chess makes a difference because…
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Chess Evolution 1 (hardcover) by Artur Yusupov

Chess Evolution 1 (hardcover) by Artur Yusupov

31.00 Euro
  • Number: 9781906552640
  • Availability: Available
This award-winning instructional series is at the Fundamentals level, which shows players the basic ideas on the road to mastery, using carefully selected positions and advice, plus test puzzles. Detailed information on Yusupov's award-winning training…
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